Where will your child’s steps lead after finishing primary school? We will support him/her and then employ him/her. What do you think?
What can you expect and look forward to? We pamper each employee and approach him/her individually.
Multifunctional house
Luxurious apartments Panorama
Twenty-six metres high steel tower
Průmyslová 738/8f 682 01 Vyškov-Předměstí +420 517 343 417 [obfuscate_1_|113|116|96|99|98|62|115|115|95|96|101|46|98|120]
Business Centrum Garden Eleven Kubánské náměstí 1391/11 100 00 Praha 10 Vršovice [obfuscate_1_|110|114|96|102|92|62|115|115|95|96|101|46|98|120]
Bauerova 491/10 603 00 Brno +420 777 742 375 [obfuscate_1_|96|114|109|109|59|113|116|96|99|98|44|99|121]